So this week in FREX class we discussed getting out of our comfort zone while studying. Usually I listen to music while I study and since I like to sing I end up singing along to the music. However I have my times where I’m able to tune the music out and just focus on my work but it is probably better if I just work without music. With the suggestion that I should try new study habits I tried the “no music while studying” suggestion and I was able to get a lot of studying done. I also told myself that I would study without my phone and my friends but that was very unsuccessful. Throughout the week after all of my classes are over I stay on campus and do homework in the library with one of my friends, for three hours and although we have good intentions to get our work done we end up talking about things that have nothing to do with our work. I know I should spend more of my time focusing on my work but I after being at school all day I would much rather talk to my friends. That’s something that I will need to work on but I doubt that will change. I feel like I have to study on my own terms without someone telling me. If I’m not in the mood to study or do homework I guarantee you that I won’t do it. If you wait to do something when you are ready you are more likely to get your work done and focus. Whenever I have made myself do something against my own will I just did it because I was forced to and I didn’t put much effort into it. At the end of the day I screwed myself over but I’ve learned to pace myself so that I don’t feel overwhelmed. No matter how much I may procrastinate I know that I will get everything done…on my own time. So with all of this information that I have digested I think that my study habits will be my study habits done my way. If I’m not comfortable then my studying is not effective and if my studying is not effective then my grades are not good. Basically it’s my way or no way at all.
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